Blackfeather Consulting | Blackfeather Consulting
Pružamo usluge i savjetujemo u procesu kreiranja ili redizajniranja procesa poslovne administracije, te strateškog savjetovanja za klijente koji se bave Upravljanjem nekretninama i Organizacijom i pružanjem usluga iz područja ‘Integriranog facility menadžmenta’.
We provide services and consult in the process of creating or redesigning the business administration and strategic consulting for clients who deal with facility management as well as organization and providing services from the field of Integral facility management.
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The experience we gained through years brought us to a unique conclusion that there are no universal solutions. Every client is specific. Our job is to find the optimal solution in accordance to the clients needs.
Providing the best way for the client to optimize the process of controlling and supervision over the business process and finding solutions for individual challenges along the way.
To incorporate into the clients business and contribute the rise of business quality with our excellence.
Pushing the limits of creativity while finding ideas, disciplines and conservatism in implementation as well as s honest relation.
Our team is composed of highly trained and experienced people who gained their specialization in business administration. The main focus is on companies who are involved in real estate management or outsourcing and related services. We provide services and consult in the process of creating or redesigning the business administration and strategic consulting for clients who deal with facility management as well as organization and providing services from the field of Integral facility management.
Companies who deal with organization and providing services from the field of Integral facility management by creating the product for the client. Outsourcing in the field of facility management, unrelated to their final purpose, is a highly sensitive area because of its direct influence on the life quality of the user, their work influence and the product/service they provide on the market.